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The anemometer is an often overlooked tool for ghost hunting. Anemometers are used to measure air movement. There are times when a client will describe certain breezes or air motion. Or they will witness things like curtains, suncatchers, tissues moving on their own. … Continue reading
*a spiritual being that serves especially as a messenger from God or as a guardian of human beings. In religious theology angels are known as divine messengers, intermedairies, and protectors from the celestial heirarchy*. Since the beginning of time there have been … Continue reading
Angel Numerology
Angel numbers : A sequence of numbers that may be seen repetitively that could hold a greater meaning in your life. *Angel Numbers have been known to to be present in ones life until whatever message they were meant to … Continue reading
*a belief that all living objects and things possess a living spirit. Animism is the phenomena of attribution of conscious life to natural and inanimate objects*. The word ‘anima’ derives from Latin meaning ‘soul’. *Merriam Webster/Britannica.
Anomaly / Anomalies
Anom-aly *Something that is unusual or unexpected. We could not explain the anomaly in the test results. Something different, abnormal, peculiar, not easily classified*. Anomaly phenomena usually manifests by way of light, mist and shadow. *Britannica/Merriam-Webster.
an·thro·po·mor·phism *a characteristic interpretation of what is not human (humanism). Traditional illustriations of anthropomorphism/characters have been used for centuries in childrens books*. *Merriam-Webster
*Antichrist means one who denies or opposes Christ. A great antagonist expected to fill the world with wickedness but to be conquered forever by Christ at His second coming. The ultimate enemy of Christ*. King James Bible references:- [1 John … Continue reading