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*noisy, mischievious spirit*. Poltergeist means ‘noisy spirit’ and such entities will set about physically throwing objects, smashing items, slamming doors and similar. It is suggested that poltergeists are often drawn to young females being drawn to the energy source that comes with early … Continue reading

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*A portal is a door or gateway*. Portals are alleged supernatural gateways from the living to the spirit world. Mirrors are believed to be easily accessible portals for entities granting access from one dimension to the next. *Britannica.

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*A premonition is a feeling of anxiety over a future event. A belief that something is going to happen, anticipation lacking definitive reasoning*. *

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*An individual who claims to have powers to communicate with spirits. Sensitive to supernatural forces and perceptions*. Psychic mediums are often employed in paranormal police investigations in attempts to see crime scenes and locate victims of homicide. Merriam-Webster

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